The beginning.
Sorry, we’ll stop trying to be funny.
There always comes a time when you’re going to have to upgrade. When it comes to software (and even hardware for that matter), it really is a case of WHEN not IF you are going to upgrade. Eventually, you’ll want your software to do more, or the older version you are using won’t be supported anymore, so here’s a quick list of things to check off in your mind when thinking about that all-important upgrade.
Cost – no prizes there Sherlock Crow. It’s often the top of everyone’s list (but perhaps functionality should come first). However, importantly do remember the cost of not upgrading. That should always form part of any good business case.
Plan & Test – spend a good amount of time planning and testing before launch. Get users involved and get their input. Ask them how they think a roll-out plan would work best. Ask some people to become super-users and then use them as engagement champions. In short, plan and test, test and plan!
Training – our favourite point to consider (of course – course, see what we did there. Oh, never mind). Absolutely critical in our opinion. Launching new software is the perfect time to really increase productivity. You can iron out all the half-knowledge out there and make the most of your investment.
Implementation & Configuration – the final push, but the most rewarding part. It’s always good if you can get ahead of the curve and be implementing / configuring before the software upgrade is a burning bridge. This is the opportunity to also think about any downtime and exactly how new software will be rolled out to users (all at once, in blocks etc).
Good luck and don’t forget – enjoy your new software!